Welcome to the Neuro-Testing Self-Assessment Web Site


WHO ARE YOU REALLY? - When answering the questions, try to think about it this way: “When doing the activity described in this question, does this give me energy, or does this take energy from me?” You may value something and behave according to your value instead of your actual brain wiring (e.g. someone may value serving others and yet may not have the natural energy to serve – they may get more energy from leading). So don’t answer the questions based on how you behave, but rather on what gives you energy or takes energy from you.

CONTEXT When Answering Questions - When evaluating yourself, compare yourself to the GENERAL POPULATION across all your life. Don’t compare yourself only to your colleagues. Don’t compare yourself only to your family members. Don’t think about yourself only in your current job role. Rather try to think of how you compare to others across many different settings – and across your entire life (even childhood).

FULL RANGE OF RESPONSES - Use the full range of responses (-2, -1, 0, +1, +2) – there are no right answers, only honest ones.

ANXIETY - Take the assessment when you are not under excessive stress or disappointment. If you are currently under a lot of stress, take several deep breaths, then visualize a time when things are less pressured – and use that as a frame of reference for answering the questions.

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